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Travis is a drag king. As such, he is fascinated by the art of male illusion and drag performance. Along the way, he has had many influences, read as much drag literature as possible, and formed bonds with many other drag kings. "Kinging" is an art, a culture and a community - no matter how globally scattered. The internet is a great resource for drag king study and networking - particularly since there is still little written in the way of formal literature on the subject. As you begin - or continue - to excavate the drag king culture, enjoy some of Travis' favorite sites.

  1.  Louisville, Kentucky may not conjure up images of cultural leadership given that it is a city comprising slightly less than a million people and located in what we all lovingly refer to as the American South (with its stereotyped images of bible thumping and fundamentalism). But the reverse is true - Louisville has one of the most diverse and growing drag king cultures in America today. Most Louisville drag kings - like Travis - have found a welcoming brotherhood and a place to grow and develop their craft at Tynkers Too/Club Rage. Owners, Tina Bell and Rodney Dale have shown strong support of Louisville's drag king culture. While Matt Sexton & Co., a veteran troupe of kings, continue to entertain audiences every Friday night at Club Rage; so too have they invited the community to join them. And join they have...nowhere in America, I am sure, is there to be found such a large contingent of budding kings sharing the stage with their veteran brothers than in Louisville. It is a decidedly supportive city - and Tynkers Too/Club Rage a decidedly supportive venue. It is here that Travis King made his start.

  2. In contrast to Louisville, Ky, Columbus, Ohio DOES have something of a reputation as a queer mecca in the American midwest. Columbus is host city to one of the most visible drag king troupes in America, H.I.S. Kings. As well as being a smashing troupe of innovative kings, H.I.S. Kings, along with Fast Friday Productions, last year hosted the 1st International Drag King Extravaganza. Read more about this pioneering event at The three day extravaganza was not just an international talent showcase for some of the best kings in the business today - it was also an academic venture featuring papers and presentations from some of today's noted experts on the subject of drag king culture; a hands-on, interactive learning workshop on such important drag king topics as binding, packing, dressing, walking, and applying facial hair. And most importantly, it brought brought more than 600 people together - kings and friends of kings, to share experiences, to network and to have FUN. Look for more information to be added to these sites on the 2nd International Drag King Extravaganza - Royal Experiences: FTM Drag in Voice/In Action - to be held again in Columbus, October 20-22nd. Or, write to Fast Friday Productions for details @ P.O. Box 82591, Columbus, OHIO, 43205 (Telephone No. 614-262-3125).

  3. Meet, chat and network with fellow drag kings by joining Queer Net's drag king mail serv @ Speaking of this group, seems some of the members - Travis included - got together and put together a page with pics of themselves, short bios, etc. The page can be found at  If you want to go directly to Travis' page, link to Check it out!

  4. rainbow network

    UK based lesbi-gay-bi-trans community site. Extensive with excellent content. Updated routinely!!! Lots of features & extras...This is the site that chose Travis as its first drag king winner. From the Rainbow Network archives, check out the feature entitled Our Drag King Winner!